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Razor Sharpeners and Stroppers
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Description: Rolls Imperial 3, two spare blades, shaving soap and brush in hinged english pigskin case
Manufacturer: Rolls Razor (1927) Ltd, 255 Cricklewood Broadway, London, N.W.2.
Type: Set
Country: England


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Patent: 1927 Eng - 108531(8/13/1917), 184514(8/23/1922), 184515(8/23/1922), 184754(8/23/1922), 224578(11/13/1924, 242717(11/16/1925), 242718(11/16/1925)
Blade: Wedge
Comment: C3-C-D004454, Two different brochures for this kit have Imperial #1 and #3. It must have changed over time. The case width for the #3 is 16.9 CM and .7 CM smaller than #1. Also, based on other kits, the brush case may be bakelite and not metal.
Collection: twillard
value: $ 0